
Currencies represent a simple object that contains an amount of 'something'. Where something can be gold, guild credits, and so forth. Currencies can be used to purchase items from vendors.

Custom currency

You can use the built-in UnityCurrency type, or define your own for more control.

using Devdog.General2.Localization;
using Devdog.Rucksack.Currencies;
using System;
using UnityEngine;

namespace Devdog.Rucksack.AdditionalExamples
    // Example of a simple custom currency implementation. Note that 
    //you can inherit from ScriptableObject to let Unity serialize the 
    //data for you.
    public class MyCurrency : IUnityCurrency, ICloneable
        private SerializedGuid _guid;
        public Guid ID
            get { return _guid.guid; }

        private LocalizedString _name = new LocalizedString();
        public string name
            get { return _name.message; }

        private LocalizedString _tokenName = new LocalizedString();
        public string tokenName
            get { return _tokenName.message; }

        public Sprite icon { get; private set; }
        public int decimals { get; private set; }
        public double maxAmount { get; private set; }

        public ConversionTable<ICurrency, double> conversionTable { get; set; }

        public MyCurrency()
            conversionTable = new ConversionTable<ICurrency, double>();

        public bool Equals(ICurrency other)
            return ID.Equals(other?.ID);

        public void ResetID(System.Guid id)
            _guid = new SerializedGuid()
                guid = id

        public object Clone()
            var clone = (MyCurrency)MemberwiseClone();
            return clone;

        public override string ToString()
            return name;