
Vendors allow a customer, such as the player, to buy and sell products from and to the vendor.

Vendor types

Of course, vendors aren't restricted to just buying/selling items. Vendors can be re-used to sell any type of product, such as skills for skill points.


Vendors have to be indexed in vendor registries so it can be looked up at a later time.

using System;
using Devdog.Rucksack.Vendors;

// Registering a vendor
VendorRegistry.itemVendors.Register(vendorGuid, vendor);

// Un-Registering a vendor

// Getting a vendor from the registry
var vendor = VendorRegistry.itemVendors.Get(vendorGuid);



The item vendor keeps track of products. These products contain the actual item to purchase as well as its buy and sell price. The reason a product wrapper is used is to give the developer extra freedom when buying and selling to customers. For example: You may want to give certain players a discount, while making others pay more.

using System;
using Devdog.General2;
using Devdog.Rucksack.Items;
using Devdog.Rucksack.Collections;
using UnityEngine;

// Creating a product is simple.
private static VendorProduct<IItemInstance> ToProduct(CollectionItemInstance item)
    return new VendorProduct<IItemInstance>(item, item.itemDefinition.buyPrice, item.itemDefinition.sellPrice);


A Customer<T> is a simple wrapper class that defines a customer that wisher to buy or sell something to a vendor. Any object can be a customer, but as an example we'll use the regular player.

using System;
using Devdog.General2;
using Devdog.Rucksack.Collections;
using UnityEngine;

// Create the vendor's collections and the vendor.
var vendorCollection = new Collection<IVendorProduct<IItemInstance>>(10);
var vendorCurrencies = new CurrencyCollection(); // You can swap this for InfiniteCurrencyCollection if you want to ignore vendor currencies.
var vendor = new Vendor<IItemInstance>(vendorCollection, vendorCurrencies);

// Create the customer wrapper object for our player.
var customer = new Customer<IItemInstance>(Guid.NewGuid(), player, player.itemCollectionGroup, player.currencyCollectionGroup);

// Where item1 is an IItemInstance that the vendor contains.
var result = vendor.BuyFromVendor(customer, item1, 5);
if(result.error == null)
    // Yay, the customer bought the item.
    // Whoops, the item could not be bought. Check result.error for more details.